Key Partner Resources: GERSTEL and Anatune – Laboratory Automation Solutions


18th January 2022

Automated Sample Prep, Automated Sample Preparation, Automation, GERSTEL,

Here at Anatune, we regularly publish Application Notes detailing our latest innovations, methods and analytical solutions. Therefore, in this edition of Key Partner Resources, we explore our collection of Applications Notes featuring the automated technology of GERSTEL and explore how laboratory automation can transform analytical results and research workflows.

Read on to find out more and see examples of our Application Notes centred around GERSTEL automation solutions. what’s on offer:

gerstel, anatune,


AS235: Automated Weighing Option: Proving the Accuracy of Automated Sample Prep

This application note showcases the capability of the weighing option and, proves performances in terms of accuracy and precision for automated sample preparation, focusing specifically on liquid handling. It details the advances in accuracy and practical benefits of automating data input into simple CSV format, saving time and improving sample traceability.


AS232: Dispersive Liquid-Liquid MicroExtraction (DiLLME) for Whisky Flavour Analysis

This application note demonstrates that DiLLME with automated sample preparation is a suitable technique to extract a range of compounds relevant to flavour in Whiskies. Compounds observed included esters, Whisky lactones, phenolic compounds and aldehydes, as well as less volatile compounds associated with the ageing process, such as Homovanillic acid and Syringylacetone.


AS191: Automated Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS)

This application note demonstrates a fully automated SIFT-MS system coupled to GERSTEL’s MultiPurpose Sampler, with a range of initial applications showing the utility of this automated approach. This development of a truly automated SIFT-MS system has the potential to simplify sampling and increases the applicability of SIFT-MS for a large number of lab based applications.


gertsel, mps, standalone, robotic, autosampler, annatunne, analysis,

GERSTEL MPS Robotic Standalone Autosampler


AS133: Method Development Considerations for Automated Headspace Solvent MicroExtraction (aHSME) Using a GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler

This application note describes the automated headspace solvent microextraction and optimisation of solvent choice and sample temperature for the analysis of common leachable chemicals in pharmaceutical products. Using a cutting-edge laboratory automation solution from GERSTEL, we explore benefits of automation to laboratory workflows and analytical results.


AS119 – A Fully Automated Approach to the Analysis of NDMA in Water

This application note presents a fully automated NDMA water analysis for improved accuracy and efficiency. NDMA is a very polar molecule and is difficult to extract from water on most SPE phases. However, we show how the extraction of NDMA from water samples (SPE) can be fully automated to enrich NDMA. The injection of the NDMA extracts onto a GC/MS is also automated.


AS116: Automating the Analysis of Methylmalonic Acid in Plasma and Serum Using a GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler Coupled to Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Detection

This application note describes fully automated analysis of methylmalonic acid for the quantification of MMA in serum and plasma using HILIC separation with tandem mass spectrometry.


Explore GERSTEL Product Range



About Anatune Application Notes:

Anatune (and our partners) regularly produce Application Notes. These cover a wide and diverse range of methods, techniques, applications, and related chromatography technology. Our Application Notes provide detailed technical information, unique applications insight and method development & validation, as well as systems configuration innovations to ensure readers can further their knowledge in an engaging way. For many years, Anatune’s Application Notes have helped and supported analytical chemists in the fields of Gas Chromatography – GC, Liquid Chromatography – LC, and Mass Spectrometry – MS achieve to develop analytical solutions including extensive and end-to-end laboratory automation. Visit our Applications Note page to search for the insight you need in the following categories: Matrix, Technique, Analyte, Instruments, Product, Industry. Or alternatively, CONTACT US for more information or to put forward an Application Note subject and our Applications Team will be happy to support you in any way they can.