
3rd March 2022

Automated Solid Phase Extraction, HS-SPME, HS-SPME-GC-MS, Solid Phase Micro Extraction, Solid Phase Microextraction, SPME,


spme, gerstel, solid, phase, microextraction


Solid Phase Microextraction – SPME – is a well established technique for extraction of organic compounds from a wide variety of matrices. It is especially useful in the food, flavour and beverage industries and for environmental monitoring.

As a result, here at Anatune we specialise in the provision of automated SPME solutions featuring the very finest GERSTEL automation technology. These solutions are optimised for performance and throughput in every step of the SPME process, and enable our customers to transform their analytical results and laboratory workflows.

As well as offering the efficiency benefits provided by automation instruments such as the GERSTEL MPS, our solutions enable reproducible and efficient concentration of many types of analytes covering a wide polarity range.

And GERSTEL MAESTRO software enables highly flexible and efficient SPME analysis by controlling the entire SPME process, from extraction to GC/MS analysis. Even if different GC/MS methods are used, MAESTRO PrepAhead ensures that extraction and GC/MS analysis are performed in parallel, maximizing sample throughput.

Highly flexible and based on a modular concept, our solutions can also be upgraded or adapted to meet new analytical challenges. Read on to find out more:


Phases of Automated Solid Phase Microextraction – SPME


Sample agitation with stir bars accelerates the extraction process and improves throughput. Mechanical fibre stress is reduced, leading to longer fibre life expectancy and improved instrument up-time.


The Cooled Injection System (CIS) is a PTV-type GC inlet, perfectly suited for SPME analysis. The narrow-bore inlet liner ensures highly efficient analyte transfer to the GC/MS for best possible detection limits and separation efficiency. The patented Septum-Less Head (SLH) greatly reduces mechanical stress on the SPME fibre, extending its life expectancy.

Multi-Fiber Exchange (MFX) flexibility

The GERSTEL Multi Fiber Exchanger MFX is a unique automated fibre exchange option for the GERSTEL MPS. Using MFX, automated SPME analysis of a sample can now be performed using fibres with different polarity, covering a wide range of analytes and extracting the maximum amount of information.

On-Fiber Derivatization

Using the MPS, a derivatization reagent can be added to the fibre prior to or following the extraction step. These tasks are simply selected by mouse-click in the MAESTRO software.


Automated conditioning in the CIS or in the MPS bake-out station ensures that the fibre is always clean and ready for the next sample. Well-conditioned SPME fibres provide best possible analysis results and best limits of detection.

Efficient integrated control software

MAESTRO software supports a wide range of techniques including SPME. Samples are prepared just in time in parallel to the GC/MS run.

Visibility and overview

The MAESTRO Scheduler provides a graphical overview of SPME steps and the total analysis time for the entire batch of samples, making it easy to plan your laboratory work.



gerstel, spme, solid, phase, microextraction


Benefits of Anatune’s Automated Solid Phase Microextraction – SPME – Solution:


Maximum flexibility

  • The Multi Fiber Exchange System (MFX) performs automated exchange of SPME fibers: New methods are quickly and conveniently developed based on one or more fiber types, and multi-method sequences can be executed using different types of SPME fibers
  • Standard techniques including dilution, internal standard addition, derivatization, or a combination of these are easily set up and automatically performed using the MPS PrepStation
  • Pre- and post-extraction on-fiber derivatization is performed simply by mouse-click
  • Multi-method sequences enable efficient and flexible analysis and fast method development.


Rugged and reliable operation

  • Manually performed SPME fibre exchange can lead to damage to the sensitive SPME fibres – unlike automated SPME Multi Fiber EXchange (MFX) using the GERSTEL MPS
  • The GERSTEL CIS with patented Septum-Less Head (SLH) eliminates septum coring and build up of septum particles in the inlet liner. The SPME fibres experience less stress, and their life expectancy is extended significantly
  • The MPS Agitator/Stirrer allows samples to be either shaken or stirred. Stirring reduces mechanical stress on the SPME fibre, leading to extended fibre life, higher productivity and lower cost
  • E-mail notification of sequence interruption enables the analyst to quickly correct problems and reduce downtime.


Accurate and reproducible results

  • Automated bake-out of the SPME fibre in a conditioning station ensures lowest possible background and minimal analyte carry-over. Alternatively, SPME fibres can be baked out in the CIS inlet.


Convenient and intuitive operation

  • Easy selection of sample preparation steps from a pull-down menu in the MAESTRO PrepBuilder
  • No need for macros
  • On screen prompts with recommended parameter values help method editing
  • Context-sensitive Help menu. l One integrated method and one sequence table operate the complete system including GC/MS.


Features of Anatune’s Automated SPME Solution:

  • Up to 128 samples placed in standard Headspace vials can be analysed in one batch.
  • Samples can be heated or cooled during storage and extraction, which is highly useful, for example, for fresh food samples.
  • GERSTEL Maestro PrepAhead function optimises productivity and throughput
  • One method and one sequence table runs the complete system from SPME to GC/MS analysis.
  • Remote viewing software enables more efficient support by the GERSTEL hot line.


VISIT the full SPME Product Page to download the brochure, watch the video and search all of our SPME related Application Notes


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