Twister – Extracting Analytes of all Polarities

Martin Perkins

12th August 2015

Beverages, Food, GC-QQQ, GC-Triple Quad, GERSTEL KK, PDMS, Polar Ethylene Glycol, Polarities, Ray Perkins, SBSE, Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction, Twister,

Nobuo Ochiai has written an article that illustrates great capabilities SBSE now offers for the extraction and concentration of target compounds from complex matrices.

The article also illustrates how this is enhanced still further using the selectivity offered by a triple quadrupole GC-MS.

Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) using the GERSTEL Twister, has always been a great way of achieving high concentration factors and low limits of detection.

For a while, due to PDMS being the only phase available, SBSE was restricted to hydrophobic compounds only, however, the release of the more polar ethylene glycol – silicone phase a few years ago, opened-up the possibility of extracting compounds of a more hydrophilic nature.

For some of the most polar analytes, SBSE can be combined with in-situ derivatisation. This technique can work really well for trace determination of these compounds due to the fact that the derivatives formed are hydrophobic and so have a strong affinity for the phase on the stir bar.

All in all, this makes Twister more useful than ever before.

The laboratory team at GERSTEL KK in Tokyo are led by Nobuo Ochiai and do much excellent and innovative work in this arena.

If you are working with foods and beverages, I think you will find this article very interesting.

If you want to know more about Twister and what you can do with it, please call us on +44 (0) 1223 279210 or email us on: