Automated Sample Preparation Combined with GC for Target and Non-Target Analysis

Anna Perkins

26th February 2015

1D2D, Agilent Technologies, ATEX, Automated Sample Preparation, Automated Tube Exchange, DHS, Dynamic Headspace, Environmental, Food, Kathy Ridgway, Meeting, Non-Target Analysis, Olfactory Detection, Organic Mass Spectrometry, Sample Preparation, SBSE, Target Analysis, Twister,

I recently provided a talk at the Agilent Organic Mass Spectrometry Environmental and Food Analysis Meeting, entitled ‘Automated Sample Preparation Combined with Gas Chromatography (GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, GC/Q-TOF and 1D2D GC-ODP) for Target and Non-Target Analysis’.

This presentation covered choices and strategies for sample preparation, and included an overview of a selection of automated sample preparation techniques.  In particular, Twister (SBSE), ATEX (Automated Tube Exchange), and DHS (Dynamic Headspace).

These were illustrated by example applications on a range of GC-MS instrumentation.  The use of olfactory detection ports and selectable 1D2D was also discussed.

You can download a PDF copy of my presentation here.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01223 279210, or alternatively email me at