Shaken, not Stirred?
Manual sample preparation of solid and viscous samples such as vegetative matter, tissues or viscous liquids can be a time consuming affair. These sample types often require a homogenisation step followed by solvent extraction and centrifugation.
If your lab is still doing this manually then you will realise the cost and time implications involved.
Recent work at the Anatune lab with vegetative matter demonstrated a fully automated solution to this lengthy extraction procedure.
After placing a known volume/mass of sample into a 2mL polypropylene vial with 2 stainless steel balls we automated;
- Addition of Solvent
- Addition of Internal Standard/Calibration Standard
- Sample homogenisation by mVORX
- Centrifuging with CF200
- Solvent transfer to clean vial
- Injection of sample
In combination with sample lysing materials, such as stainless steel balls or ceramic beads the GERSTEL MPS configured with an mVORX and CF200 Centrifuge is a great solution. Benefits include;
- Speeding up your workflow
- Increasing sample throughput
- Improving accuracy, precision and reproducibility
- Using your analysts time more productively
Why stop there? You can also incorporate evaporation, derivatisation, enzyme hydrolysis, solid phase extraction and much more into your automated workflows.
For more information or to discuss your automation requirements please do not hesitate to contact the Anatune team on 01223 279210, or email
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