GC-MS Sample Preparation – Automation 101
Two weeks ago, I gave a talk with this title at a meeting organised by the Chromatographic Society (Advances in GCVI).
I have had a feeling for a while, that whilst all of us here at Anatune are familiar with the benefits and limitations of automated sample prep, it is all too easy for us to over-estimate how much other people know.
The aim of my 30-minute talk was to provide an introduction to automated sample preparation, assuming no prior knowledge and giving plenty of examples of the benefits that our existing customers gain from it.
Judging from the response I got on the day, and the number of requests for copies of my slides afterwards, I hit the mark and lots of people found the talk useful.
That being the case, I am happy to offer my talk to you if you think this is a topic you will find interesting or useful.
You can contact me about this by calling +44 (0)1223 279210 or by emailing us.
If you can get a bunch of people together, I am happy to present in person, alternatively, I can do so via a video link.