App Notes 301 & 302: The Benefits Provided by 2D GC & Automated Sample Preparation When Applied to Extractable and Leachable Analysis When Evaluating Rubber Extracts


30th March 2023

Our latest two application notes show the benefits provided by 2D GC and automated sample preparation when applied to E+L analysis when evaluating rubber extracts. Read more about the Application Notes:

APPLICATION NOTE AS-301 -Evaluation of Rubber Profiles Using Dichloromethane Extraction by GCxGC-TOFMS

The extracts produced when extracting rubbers or plastics into solvent as part of an extractables study often produce complex chromatograms that can be difficult to interpret when using traditional one-dimension gas chromatography. In this work, the use of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (2D GC) to provide enhanced separation with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) providing required data acquisition rates for deconvolution for analysis of rubber samples extracted in dichloromethane to simulate an extractables study. The resulting chromatograms showed a complex mixture containing multiple chemical species which were separated using orthogonal column chemistries. The conclusion of which demonstrates how use of 2D GC can be a powerful tool when used in extractables studies.

APPLICATION NOTE AS-302 – Application of an Automated Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE) GCxGC-Time of flight-MS (GCxGC-TOFMS) workflow to a simulated extractables study

Data analysis is often the time-consuming step in analytical chemistry, this being made more difficult when complex chromatograms are involved or when comparisons between sample and extraction types are required. In this work principal component analysis (PCA) provided by LECO’s ChromaTOF® Tile was used to look for differences in extraction types produced from a simulant solution study of a rubber sample. Dichloromethane (DCM), deionised water and 10% ethanol (aq) were compared with DCM showing clear differences from aqueous matrices. PCA also highlighted that aqueous matrices produced no significant differences when compared to a procedural blank.


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