Application Note ReView: AS236 – Automated SIFT-MS – Static Headspace Analysis


4th January 2022

Automated, Automated SIFT-MS, SIFT-MS, Static Headspace,


SIFT MS Headspace


In this edition of Application Note Review we take a look back at AS236, an exploration of automated SIFT-MS and Static Headspace Analysis.

A vital resource for all MS chemists, AS236 discusses the basics of static headspace analysis, as applied to SIFT-MS, and covers all the significant parameters that may affect results.

Automated SIFT-MS is a highly effective way of analysing a wide range of volatile organic compounds – from formaldehyde to sesquiterpenes and siloxanes – that can be found in a variety of different matrices including water, soil, pharmaceuticals and polymers.

Efficient, high throughput methods can be run using the combination of GERSTEL’s MPS Robotic Autosamplers and Syft Technologies’ SIFT-MS.

AS236 offers the reader a good starting point for the development of static headspace methods using automated SIFT-MS, and the information builds on a significant amount of method development, carried out in the Anatune Applications Laboratory, for best-practice for these types of analyses.


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