Workshops: Analysing Taste, Aroma and Malodours
We are holding a series of one-day workshops introducing the GERSTEL 1D/2D System and the Aroma Office software.
These will be held at Anatune’s Cambridge laboratory on the 17th, 18th and 19th April 2012.
The GERSTEL 1D/2D System has been designed from scratch to be the definitive GC-MS tool for the rapid identification of trace, taste and odour compounds in all kinds of complex matrices.
This workshop marks the launch of the system in the UK and Ireland, and will be conducted by Paul Roberts of Anatune with the assistance of Dr. Nobuo Ockai, GERSTEL Japan’s technical director.
The series of one-day workshops will comprise classroom and laboratory sessions and will provide a clear understanding of how the system works and how it can greatly facilitate the analysis of taste, aroma and malodours, whenever and wherever the need to measure these compounds occurs.
Places on the workshops are limited, so please book early to be sure of a place.
The charge for these workshops is £35 + VAT and includes a buffet lunch, refreshments and materials.
To book your place email or call Sue on 01954 212909.
If you require overnight accomodation, Sue will be happy to help with this.