Flavour, Fragrance & Odour Analyisis – Useful New Book

Martin Perkins

6th February 2012

Flavor, Fragrance & Odor Analysis edited by Ray Marsili
Flavor, Fragrance & Odor Analysis edited by Ray Marsili

Ray Marsili, head of the Marsili Consulting Group has compiled and edited a second edition of his valuable book, entitled “Flavor, Fragrance and Odor Analysis“. The book is published in hardback by CRC press and is available from Amazon for the (rather eye watering) price of £94.05.

In a field that is changing rapidly, this book is good, in that it focuses on the newer techniques that are now being adopted by mainstream labs, Worldwide.

As it happens, I have a spare copy that I am prepared to part with – in return for a £10 donation to the British Heart Foundation.

If you are interested, contact me on enquiries@anatune.co.uk before 5pm, Monday 13th February.

If I have more than one taker, I will put the names into a hat the following day and ask Sue Roach to select the lucky winner.