Using the Latest Video Technology to Save You Time and Money
For all businesses, travel comes with significant costs.
There is no substitute for getting face-to-face with people, but there can be a significant downside – the need to travel.
Travel has obvious financial costs and while these include the obvious ones of transport and accommodation, the cost associated with peoples’ time is greater still.
Here at Anatune, we looked at the financial aspects in detail and were shocked to find that, when everything is properly accounted for, the cost to a single customer visiting our lab for a one-day product demonstration could be as much as £4,500. For two visitors the costs double.
OK, this is the worst case and involves customers travelling from places like Scotland or Ireland, and with nights away from home, but all travel comes with significant costs.
There are non-financial penalties too. Avoidable business travel has an adverse environmental impact, driving is one of the more dangerous activities we do and not everyone enjoys travelling long distances or being away from home overnight.
When we looked at the distances our customers travel to visit us, unsurprisingly, we found a distinct pattern, with fewer customers travelling from locations a long way from Cambridge.
Fortunately, the latest cloud-based video technology offers a very attractive way of visually engaging with both people and instrumentation – without the need to travel.
When we looked at the possibilities this innovation offered, we became excited by what it could do for our customers. The cost/benefit considerations were also very positive (it will save us a lot of travel too).
The system we have installed is made by Lifesize and we have deployed the technology in our laboratory, our conference room and with all of our sales staff via their laptops and mobile phones. This means they can also participate in meetings with you – wherever they are.
For the last couple of months, while we have been getting the hand of our new system, we have largely restricted it to internal use. It has worked out really well, has become very popular and is now our default option for meetings, collaboration and staff training.
We are now ready to roll-out this technology with customers and we want to start with a few willing volunteers!!
There are several ways this can work:
- If your organisation has a video conference suite, you can use it to connect with us and this will give you the best possible experience.
- We can arrange a video demo or meeting, hosted locally at a video conference facility close by.
- You (and your colleagues) can connect by video from your work computers.
- You can connect from your home computer.
- You can connect from anywhere, using a smartphone or another mobile device.
A few things are essential:
- For a computer, you need access to a reasonable broadband connection.
- For a mobile device, a good 3G or 4G signal is required.
- You need to be able to download the Lifesize app to your computer or mobile device.
- If you need to connect from a noisy environment, a headset of some kind will be good to have.
- If you are lucky to have access to a video conference suite, you will just need our connection code. There is good interoperability between all video conference systems and connections are simple to set-up.
We are keen to entertain visitors to our laboratory.
In addition to welcoming your physical presence, we can now entertain your virtual presence too.
It’s your choice as to what works best for you.
If you want to know more, contact us, and we will send you connection details and then we can give you a quick look-see.
Better still…
To see what we can offer by way of automated sample prep combined with chromatography and mass spectrometry, arrange a demonstration, live or by video: call us on +44 (0)1223 279210 or email:
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