Twelve Months On…

Martin Perkins

7th April 2016

Anniversary, Dual Polarity Ion Source, Mark Perkins, MPS, MultiPurpose Sampler, Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry, SIFT-MS, Workshop,

How time flies…!  A year has passed since I began working for Anatune, and in many ways, the last twelve months have been a great learning experience.

Firstly, getting to grips with an entirely new analytical technique – namely SIFT-MS.  Coming from a predominantly GC-MS background, the speed of measurement and the range of compounds that could be measured using SIFT-MS was eye-opening.  With our new Dual Polarity instrument having arrived in the lab last Friday (right on time for my first anniversary – how’s that for planning!) offering three positive and five negative reagent ions, I can only see it continuing to deliver results.

Secondly, realising the range and versatility offered by the GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler (MPS).

Automation really is the key to what we do here at Anatune – we think the more the instrument can do for you, the better – and GERSTEL’s MPS system is ideal for this.  What we didn’t know until we tried was how well we could couple our SIFT-MS to an MPS, and how this would open up a whole raft of sampling possibilities.

In fact, we are so pleased with how it has gone that we are offering a series of workshops on this in June. 

And finally, working with my colleagues to help respond to our customers diverse requirements – great solutions from a great team and I am sure the next year will generate more.

If anything above is of interest do not hesitate to contact us on 01223 279210, or email