SIFT-MS – On the Road

Martin Perkins

5th May 2016

Ammonia, Mark Perkins, Ray Perkins, Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry, SIFT-MS, Sulphur, Syft Voice200Ultra, Volatile Organics,

There are many things you can do with a Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometer that would be impossible (or at least, very challenging) with a GC-MS.

Taking one on a road trip around the UK is one of them.

Last Monday, we trundled our Voice200Ultra SIFT-MS into the back of a van, Dr Mark Perkins, our SIFT-MS applications specialist, got behind the wheel and headed for the open road.

Tuesday was spent on site with a customer successfully making real-time measurements of sulphur compounds and ammonia on their test-rig.

Wednesday and Thursday were spent with another customer at a different location, successfully measuring volatile organics in air.

Friday, Mark and the SIFT-MS headed for the RSC’s Burlington House in central London to give working demonstrations of the instrument to delegates at an RSC seminar entitled: ‘Advances in the Chemical Analysis of Food’.

That Mark was able to do this, is testament to the robustness of the Voice200Ultra, its un-fussy nature and the fact that once it is out of the van and plugged in, it is ready for use in less than a hour.

It is great to be able to do this.

There are occasions where it isn’t possible or convenient to take samples to the instrument, so now we know we can take the instrument to the samples.

It is also good for every stakeholder in a prospective instrument purchase, to have the chance to see it in action – without having to travel.

If you would like to know more, and to see the SIFT-MS in action, please get in touch now on 01223 279210, or email: