
28th July 2021

GC, gc-tofms, leco, Pegasus BT,

leco, pegasus bt, gc-tofms,

Anatune has recently become a UK Authorised Distributor for LECO in what is a truly exciting development for us and our customers. Therefore, in this edition of Product Focus we take a look at the LECO Pegasus BT GC-TOFMS, a truly innovative analytical instrument.

GC–TOFMS employing both high-resolution (HR) and high-speed (HS) detectors has been demonstrated as a powerful and highly effective analytical tool in fields such as analysis of food and environmental contaminants, flavour components, drugs screening, petrochemical analysis, or metabolomics studies.

Thanks to the availability of spectral information even at very low levels for a particular compound (high mass analyser efficiency), GC–TOFMS can be used for both the quantification/confirmation of target analytes and for the identification of non-target sample components, even in very complex mixtures.

Today’s laboratories are being asked for more everyday—more samples run, more data acquired, more chemical information processed, and more results achieved—all in less time, for less money.

Therefore, the smartest investment for any laboratory looking to perform quantitative or qualitative analysis of knowns and unknowns, is the LECO Pegasus® BT GC-TOFMS.



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LECO Pegasus BT GC-TOFMS is the first bench-top time-of-flight mass spectrometer to deliver sample throughout, better chemical information and low maintenance costs resulting in improved productivity and higher quality analytical results.

The Pegasus® BT GC-TOFMS allows you to achieve all of the data you need from a single sample run, while powerful yet user-friendly ChromaTOF® software processes your data and removes the guesswork involved with analyte identification, quantitation, and reporting.


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The Pegasus® BT GC-TOFMS give users more uptime, improved chemical data, and an increase in overall productivity and efficiency.

If you already own a compatible GC, we also have an upgrade path to add the Pegasus® BT GC-TOFMS capability to your existing system.

Key Features:

  • A sleek, bench-top design saves valuable space in the laboratory
  • Industry-leading sensitivity helps you find and quantify an unlimited number of analytes, while working with proprietary deconvolution algorithms to yield clean, high-quality spectra
  • Complete historical record of mass spectral components for each sample is retained for future data mining
  • The tried-and-tested reliability and durability of our Pegasus brand in a convenient bench-top unit.


Download the LECO Pegasus BT GC-TOFMS Product Brochure and watch a video: 

CONTACT US for more information or to REQUEST A QUOTE.