Analytical Chemistry News & Upcoming Events: July & August 2022
In this edition of News Round-Up, we take a look back at some of the most important and interesting recent analytical chemistry news.
GERSTEL App Note: Acrylamide in Coffee
This application note from our partners at GERSTEL presents a partially automated analysis method for the determination of acrylamide in ground coffee and cereal coffee. Well worth a read over a hot beverage.
A frew there was decent coffee in the Anatune kitchenette.
A few years ago we did a similar piece of work as a proof of concept. For once we had some decent coffee in the building.
CLICK HERE to view the App Note
Advancements in Mass Spec On Demand Webinar
Agilent have made a series of webinars Available on demand incase you missed them live back in June.
These three sessions highlight new capabilities in LC-MS and GC-MS to improve your lab uptime and efficiency. Go give it a watch at your convenience.
How to Troubleshoot HPLC Extra Peaks and Contamination Like a Pro
The folks over at CHROMacademy are hosting a free webcast in August where you can learn a strategy for troubleshooting contamination in your HPLC system quickly and effectively using simple experiments to narrow down the source of the problem.
CLICK HERE for more information and registration
Smarter Savings: Fast GC-MS
Hydrogen carrier gas is a regular topic of conversation these days (see above).
LECO have written a short article on the cost savings of using less helium and increasing the speed of analysis.
CLICK HERE to read the full article
BMSS 2022
13th – 15th September 2022
The 42nd Annual gathering of the British Mass Spectrometry Society will take place at the Royal College of Music in Manchester and will have a wide range of sessions and activities exploring the latest developments from the Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography disciplines.
CLICK HERE to find out more and REGISTER
Future Focus
29th – 30th September 2022
Hilton Cambridge City Centre
This 2-day event focusses on the future of sustainable analytical chemistry.
Featuring academic sessions and presentations from some of the most respected leaders of our industry, as well as solution demonstrations and Q & A forums, this is an event not to be missed for any member of the scientific community seeking to be as prepared as possible for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
CLICK HERE to find out more and REGISTER
CONTACT US for more information about any of the analytical chemistry news or to find out more about our Automated Analytical Solutions