Linking-up with the Guys in Baltimore
I have just had the privilage of spending a few days with Bob Collins and his team at GERSTEL USA’s supurb new headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. Bob’s runs a very impressive operation and I was struck by the great similarities between our two businesses. Anatune and GERSTEL USA both serve the broad chromatography market (GC, GC-MS, HPLC and LC-MS), both are focused on automated sample preparation and automation, both sell by application and both organisations have a great customer service ethos.
The purpose of my visit was to stimulate closer co-operation between Anatune and GERSTEL USA, especially on applications that have a common importance to customers in the USA and UK. The outcome was agreement on a whole range of measures that will give customers of the two businesses, access to application packages developed in both application laboratories. This should eliminate wasteful duplication of effort and greatly speed-up the availability of new application packages to customers on both sides of the Atlantic.
These application packages will be co-branded – offering some interesting marketing oportunities.
To learn more about GERSTEL USA, follow this link to their website.