Learn the Benefits of Accurate Mass Determination

Martin Perkins

13th May 2015

GC/Q-TOF Interest Group Meeting, High Resolution, Mass Spectrometry, Ray Perkins, Tore Vulpius,

As High Resolution Mass Spectrometry rapidly becomes a mainstream analytical technique, is your knowledge keeping pace with the change?

You won’t be alone, if you feel a need to know more about this topic. For this reason we have invited Dr Tore Vulpius of MS Consult to speak at the GC/Q-TOF Interest Group Meeting on June 11th.

Tore Vulpius is both an expert in mass spectrometry and a brilliant communicator, so his contribution is guaranteed to be both educational and enjoyable.

Tore’s talk is entitled – The Benefits of Accurate Mass Determination and will cover the following topics:

  • Why do I need accurate mass determination?
  • How much resolution do I need?
  • How can high mass accuracy be of any assistance in my daily work with mass spectrometry?
  • What are actually the differences between accurate and nominal mass; what are the isotopes good for?

Some or all of the above questions will sooner or later pop up in the mind of any GC-MS user. In this lecture, Tore will explain in simple words, the meaning and importance of these concepts.

Here you can find the programme for the GC/Q-TOF Interest Group Meeting.

If you wish to book a place, please call Susan Roach on +44 (0)1223 279210 or email enquiries@anatune.co.uk.