Aroma and Flavour Analysis in Food and Beverage Samples Webinar

Martin Perkins

14th November 2018

Andreas Hoffman, Aroma, Automation, Beverage, Dynamic Headspace, Flavour, Food, GERSTEL, Headspace, Liquid-Liquid, Liquid-Solid Extraction, Sean O'Connor, Stir Bar, Thermal Desorption, Twister, Webinar,

Flavour and fragrance matching, whether it is natural sources such as flowers or your competitor’s products, requires the analyst to find out as much information about the sample as required. Traditional extraction methods which have been around for decades, whilst still effective, require large amounts of solvent and sample.

Through GERSTEL automation (automated liquid-liquid and liquid-solid extraction), unique thermal desorption methods (direct thermal desorption of samples, twister stir bar) and headspace analysis (dynamic headspace, multiple headspace and static headspace) it is possible with just one system to look at samples in many different ways and get the maximum information for the smallest amount of solvent, sample and analyst time.

On the 14th November, the Manager of Analytical Services, Andreas Hoffman of GERSTEL, is giving a webinar based on the work they have been doing on Aroma and Flavour Analysis in Food and Beverage Analysis which will look at a few of these techniques in the laboratory and what information they can give you.

Follow this link to register for the Webinar or CONTACT US for more information about our Flavour and Fragrance Matching / Food and Beverage Analysis Webinar schedule.