Chromatography Sample Preparation Workshops

Martin Perkins

10th July 2012

Here is our outline schedule of chromatography sample preparation workshopsAdvanced chromatography workshops for the next 12 months.

These one-day workshops are hosted in our Cambridge laboratory and are always conducted by scientists with an in-depth knowledge and practical experience of the topic.

The workshops provide a one-day crash-course in each subject and comprise a mix of theory and hands-on work in our Cambridge laboratory.

Taste & Odour in Water Using Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction – 1st, 2nd & 3rd October 2012.  Conducted by David Benanou of Veolia Water, Paris.

New Developments in Solid Phase Micro Extraction –  20th, 21st & 22nd November 2012.  Conducted by Klaus Buckendahl of Sigma Aldrich, Germany.

Large Volume Headspace for the Analysis of Trace Compounds in all Matrices – February 2013.  Conducted by Dr Paulo da Silva, Entech Instruments Inc., USA.

GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler Advanced Programming & Configuration – April 2013.  Conducted by Susan Spurling, GERSTEL GmbH., Germany.

Teledyne Tekmar Sample Preparation Workbench – July 2013.  Conducted by Thomas Hartlein, Teledyne Tekmar, USA.

If you would like to know more about any of these events, please call Susan Roach on +44 (0)1223 279210 or email