BMSS41 Summary – Back In The Thick Of It!


14th September 2021

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BMSS41, Anatune, sponsor, event,


BMSS41 Summary: Anatune were very proud to sponsor and exhibit at BMSS41, and our team had a great time at the event.

The chance to meet with colleagues, network with other industry professionals, and listen and contribute to some critically important discussions were all extremely welcome after the past 18 months.

This year’s event was hugely successful and some fascinating and expert insight was offered throughout the Scientific Sessions, covering topics such as;

  • Environmental & Food Analysis* Chaired by Anatune’s Senior Application Scientist, Kathy Ridgway
  • Medical, Clinical & Forensic Applications  
  • Inorganic & Isotope Ratio MS   
  • Instrument Development & Fundamental MS
  • Biomacromolecular Structure
  • MS in Virus Research                                                           
  • Lipidomics & Metabolomics
  • Mass Spectrometry in Pharmaceutical Research                            
  • Mass Spectrometry Imaging  
  • Complex Mixture Analysis & Separation Science      
  • Proteomics & Top Down MS                                    
  • Ambient Ionisation     


The Anatune View of BMSS41

Sean O Connor_Anatune AM

Sean O’Connor, Key Account Manager, Anatune

“BMSS was a great success and it was great to be able to talk science in person and have the ‘down the rabbit hole’ conversations over a few glasses of red!

The meeting of collective minds meant that subjects were investigated and sparks which may have been missed online were sparked. As a vendor it was great that we could talk to customers, something that is missing from the online version of conferences. And it was also a good opportunity to get some information on what is being developed by potential collaborators.

It was also good to let your hair down with like-minded people and to have a little time for team-building and informal networking which hasn’t been afforded in the last 18 months.”


Kathy Ridgway, Senior Application Chemist

Kathy Ridgway, Senior Application Chemist, Anatune

“BMSS was a fantastic chance to catch up with old friends and contacts whilst meeting some new ones.

It was lovely to have in face sessions and the discussions afterwards over coffee/lunch were thoroughly enjoyable.

It was really pleasing to see the efforts made by universities to keep going during the pandemic (and the work some of them have been doing to help the battle against covid). And to listen to students presenting their work (some for the first time in a conference) was also great to be a part of.”


kevin, boyce, anatune, sales, manager

Kevin Boyce, UK Sales Manager, Anatune

“It was great to be back at a physical, in-person event. It’s always a pleasure to be amongst the BMSS community and hats of to the organisers and attendees for ensuring this was a safe and engaging experience for all. Can’t wait for next year!”


Crawford Scientific Discount Code & LEGO Giveaway Promotion!

At BMSS41, Anatune also ran a promotion in collaboration with our partners at Crawford Scientific. The Discount Code entitled holders to a 10% discount on consumables purchased from Crawford Scientific until end of October 2021.

By signing up, there was also the chance to win an incredible Anatune Automated GC/MS LEGO system! Always in high demand, these systems are a must have for any big kid! The winner will be announced on 17/09/2021 so keep an eye out!!






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