Automation Equals Success
We will shortly be launching AUTOPREP by Anatune as a brand name for a range of solutions involving sample preparation automation in high throughput laboratories.
A breakdown of the AUTOPREP by Anatune range will be communicated shortly. AUTOPREP by Anatune can be defined as automated sample preparation solutions where manual sample preparation is dramatically minimized. The majority of most of the sample preparation is performed reliably by the MultiPurpose Sampler.
During my career, I have worked in various analytical roles which have included performing assays. The analysis has involved preparing standard and sample solutions which are run chromatographically. These then have to meet certain criteria such as linearity of standards above a correlation coefficient of 0.999 and % Relative Standard Deviation of less than 1%. I still take great pride in getting good data which passes and exceeds the specification set. Unfortunately and like most, this hasn’t been achieved all the time! Analyst errors usually come in two forms; calculation errors where stock solutions have been incorrectly diluted and mis-spiking errors usually from momentary lapses in concentration. An example of when this may happen is when a colleague interrupts you. I am sure you can think of a few more! Whatever it is that makes you mis-spike, getting the assay right first time is not achieved!
A step closer to getting it right first time is using a MultiPurpose Sampler. A key GC headspace method which we are working on in our laboratory uses auto-spiking to prepare a range of standard concentrations with the addition of internal standard. The only manual sample preparation step for the entire analysis is to add 4g of salt and 15ml water to a headspace vial prior to clicking go.
Why not give me a call about this if you want to improve throughput? My contact details are: phone 01223 279210 or email
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Sample Prep Automation for Contract Laboratories