Automated Sample Preparation for Drinking Water Labs

Martin Perkins

15th April 2016

Automation, Environmental, Jeff Stubbs, Lunch and Learn, Seminar, Water,

Sample prep automation gives valuable advantages:

  • Greater productivity
  • Improved data quality
  • Faster sample turnaround

We introduced our Lunch and Learn Sessions on Sample Prep Automation at the beginning of this year; these have proved very popular and, from the feedback we have received, very useful too.

Several laboratories involved in the analysis of water and environmental samples have already taken up our offer of a free lunch-time introduction on the topic.

Of late, we have seen a marked increase in automation enquiries from this sector and we have carried out a number of successful application projects resulting in instrument sales.

In part, this is due to the advances in sensitivity and selectivity that modern mass specs provide, which in turn make it even easier for automated sample prep work seamlessly with LC-MS and GC-MS.

As a result, we have prepared a special Lunch and Learn Seminar, focused on the special needs of Water and Environmental Laboratories which we are offering free-of-charge to any lab with an interest in this area.

We won’t change a winning formula, so each will last about an hour and be conducted by a member of our applications team and I’ll tag along for the discussion too.

These events will cover aspects of current Anatune applications work and can be turned to your special areas of interest. These could include any of the following:

  • Getting into the automation mindset
  • What can automation do for you?
  • VOC analysis by static headspace, with autospiking of calibrants and internal standards
  • Automated liquid-liquid extraction of non-polar pesticides
  • Automated solid phase extraction of pesticides
  • Determination of taste and odour compounds at very low levels
  • Offline and online sample prep for LC-MS/MS
  • Using GC-Olfactometry as a tool in taint analysis coupled with Quadrupole Time of Flight technology

In addition, we will bring along some equipment to show how sample prep automation looks.

We think that a lunchtime seminar is a great way for your team to learn, with the minimal disruption to your work schedule.

If you agree and would like to take advantage of this offer, please call on: +44 (0)1223 279210 or email: