Application Note ReView: AS244 – Methanolic Extraction of Soils by Automated Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS)


31st August 2021

Automated SIFT-MS, Environmental, Environmental Monitoring, SIFT-MS, soil analysis, Soil Samples, Water & Environmental,


pesticide, analysis

AS244 – Methanolic Extraction of Soils by Automated Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS)


Soil can become contaminated with benzene, toluene, xylenes and ethylbenzene (BTEX) from a number of source and may pose health and ecological risks. Therefore, in this Application Note ReView, we demonstrate how Automated SIFT-MS is a powerful technique for the analysis of volatiles from a range of different matrices. We also show the benefits achieved from significant throughput gains versus more conventional chromatographic techniques for automated soil analysis.

Methanolic extraction followed by GC-MS analysis is a common method for determination of BTEX in soil. This Application Note demonstrates that GC-MS methods, even those with more complex sample preparation requirements, can readily be converted to automated SIFT-MS methods, with all the throughput gains and ease of analysis that this brings.

Working through a standard validation procedure, we also demonstrate that robust and reliable routine analytical methods can be developed and validated for automated soil analysis.

Additionally, the data gives confidence to results obtained during real-time analysis, where validation of methods can be more challenging.

Download the full Methanolic Extraction of Soils by Automated Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) Application Note




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