5th European Lipidomic Meeting

Martin Perkins

31st July 2015

Automated Extraction, FAME, Fatty Acid Methyl Ester, Lipidomic, Lipids, Meeting, Poster,

The University of Swansea are hosting the 5th European Lipidomic Meeting, which is being held on 2nd-4th September 2015.

This meeting brings lipidomic specialities in the fields of chemistry, biology, medicine and analytics together.

Anatune will be there and we will be presenting a poster on ‘Fully Automated Extraction and Derivatisation of Lipids as their Fatty Acid Methyl Esters’.

Lipid analysis methods are time consuming multi-step processes.  Precisely controlling the initial extraction process is critical to obtaining the accurate, precise and repeatable results required to both determine small but biochemically significantly changes in lipid profiles between samples, and minimising enzyme activity lipid degradation artefact formation during extraction.

The poster will demonstrate our initial work in lipid analysis where we have fully automated the on-line Folch extraction of the total lipid fraction with subsequent transesterification and determination of total fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) by GC-MS.

Please see here for a full line-up of confirmed speakers for this meeting, and you can register your place here.

We hope to see you there.