Workshops: Analysing for Unknowns by Accurate Mass GCqTOF
The chances are, in the future, you will be asked to report far more detail about the composition of samples than in the past. In many cases, no longer will it be acceptable to analyse for a defined list of target analytes, instead you will be expected to account for pretty much everything that is in the sample.
To make life still more difficult, you are likely to be having to work at lower detection limits, where all samples demonstrate more complexity.
This kind of work is demanding and new skills (and new tools) will be needed to do what will be required.
High Resolution Accurate Mass GC-MS has a lot to offer in resolving the most difficult analytical tasks. Many analysts will, as yet, be unfamiliar with how it works, and why it has so much to offer.
To fill this knowledge gap, we have organised two workshops, each running over two days, in our Cambridge laboratory:
The dates for the workshops are as follows:
■Tuesday 25th/Wednesday 26th March 2014
■Thursday 27th/Friday 28th March 2014
Each event will include a mix of classroom sessions and lab demonstrations centred on an Agilent 7200 GCqTOF fitted with a GERSTEL MultiFlex sample introduction and automation system.
The Workshops will be conducted by a highly experienced team of trainers:
- Bernhard Rothweiler, Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany
- Dan Carrier, Anatune Ltd, Cambridge, UK
Registration fee is only £55, which is inclusive of all refreshments, lunches and course material. Places are limited and already filling up, so if you wish to attend, please let us know right away by emailing, or call the office on 01223 279210.
If you can’t make the dates, we would of course be very pleased to welcome you to Cambridge to see the instrument in action, in our laboratory. Please contact us and we can fix a date.