Win Three Days Hands-on with an Agilent 7000 GC-Triple Quad

Martin Perkins

30th March 2013

Anatune's Agilent 7000 GC-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer

Here is the instrument that you could get use of

Maybe you have something you would love to try-out on a GC-triple quad – if only you could get your hands on one!

If so, why not enter our competition?

With so much interest being shown in our GC-QQQ,  someone here came up with the suggestion that we should hold a contest and the prize could be some instrument time on the instrument, using it in combination with a dual-head GERSTEL MPS (and accessories) for sample preparation.

The more we thought about the idea – the more we liked it. Good and unexpected things can come out of random interactions of this nature.

So here is the deal:

  • Send us an email and explain in no more that three paragraphs, what you would propose to do with your time on the instrument and why this would be of value.
  • Once we have all of the entries in, a panel of judges (comprising the application laboratory team), will look at your proposal along with the other entries we receive, and award the prize to, what they regard, as the most novel/interesting suggestion.
  • We will contact the author of the winning entry and agree dates when they can have access to the instrument.

We will ensure that the instrument is set-up beforehand and that someone is on-hand to assist in operating the instrument.

We will also throw-in two nights hotel accommodation free of charge.

The competition closes on Friday 26th of April and the lucky winner will be notified within 7 days.

To enter, please email your idea to:, and type GC-QQQ Competition in your subject line.