Water Analysis – Changes are on the Way

Martin Perkins

14th August 2018

Automation, Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Micro Extraction, DLLME, GC-MS, GC-Single Quad, GC-Triple Quad, LC-MS, Phine Banks, VOCs, Water, Watermation, Workshop,

This is an exciting time. The sensitivity of the mass specs has reached a turning-point where, in the analysis of both water and waste water, automation can now be readily applied to virtually any method currently being run on GC-MS or LC-MS.

For fifteen years or so, Anatune has offered the best VOC solution, but larger analytes are now in our sights and in the last six-months or so, we have experienced a rapid take-up of our automated liquid-liquid extraction solutions, especially Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Micro Extraction (DLLME).

As well as offering high analyte recoveries, DLLME is also lightning fast, which means that you can automatically prep samples as fast as your GC-MS (or LC-MS) can run them.

The separation funnel was invented in the 1850s, when data quality standards were lower, labour was cheap and the exposure of staff to hazardous materials wasn’t an issue.  The time is ripe for something better.  Don’t you agree?

Changes in regulations mean that new determinands are on the way. Our lab has already completed projects on most of them, with the result that we have some fantastic new automated solutions ready to go – some on the Agilent 5977B, GC-single quad and some using the Agilent 7010 GC-triple quad.

We will shortly be looking into the comparative benefits of the GC-single quad and the GC/Q-TOF for catchment management and suspects screening.  If this is something that fits with your objectives, then perhaps you would like to collaborate with us?

I am also excited to make the initial announcement of Watermation, our first specialist workshop focused on the role of automation (of all kinds) in the analysis of water, both clean and dirty.  This is being scheduled to run on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th November, and will be held in Cambridge.

I have worked with accounts in this sector for a number of years, but there is still lots to learn and I look forward to listening to any advice you have to offer!

If you would like more information on our Watermation Workshop, discuss a possible collaborative project, or just fancy a chat about how we can help you, please call the office now on +44 (0)1223 279210 or email us.