Twister Book Offer

Martin Perkins

21st May 2013

New Concepts in Sorption Bases Sample Preparation for Chromatography

Would you like a free copy of this book?

When I write a post with a book give-away, I always get a big response, so we keep our eyes open and grab any spare copies of  interesting publications that we happen to come across.

When Paul Roberts and Andy Golby were with GERSTEL in Germany recently, they came away with a few copies of this book, thanks to our friends in Mulheim:

New Concepts in Sorption Based Sample Preparation for Chromatography by H.A. Baltussen

This is a very useful book that, apart from other good stuff, includes an excellent explanation of Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction using the GERSTEL Twister, including a clear and comprehensive explanation of the theory behind it.

I have three spare copies to give away, to the first three names pulled out of a hat!

Reply to and please make sure that you put “Twister book” in the subject line.

Good luck!