So What is a SnApp Note?

Martin Perkins

24th August 2017

eApplications, Ray Perkins, SnApp,

When they have successfully completed a piece of applications work in our lab, our chemists will, whenever possible, produce a full application note, so that as many people as possible can share the knowledge we have gained.  We always try to include performance data for the method we have developed, so that you can see that the method we are writing about is fit for purpose.

However, there are plenty of occasions when we discover something useful or interesting, but don’t have enough data to warrant a full application note.

This is where SnApp notes come into the picture.

These are short application notes (one-side A4) that give a snap-shot of progress on an application, or perhaps, highlight something that we think you may find it useful to know.

If you are currently signed-up to receive Anatune application notes via our eApplications service, then we will assume that you want to receive SnApp notes as well.  If you don’t, please let us know.

If you don’t currently receive application notes from Anatune and would like to, then you can sign up here.