SIFT-MS with Automated Sampling of Tedlar Bags

Martin Perkins

14th October 2015

MPS, MultiPurpose Sampler, Ray Perkins, Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry, SIFT-MS, Tedlar Bag,

We are looking for a partner or partners to help take this project forward.

We have recently looked at the feasibility of using a GERSTEL MultiPurpose Sampler to provide a Tedlar bag autosampling capability for SIFT-MS.

It didn’t take us too long to get this working and we now have a rough and ready rig that enables us to do this.

So far so good.

SIFT-MS can analyse air and headspace samples in real time. It has the following attributes:

  • It is selective.
  • It is sensitive (pptv)
  • It can analyse most volatile species, including many polar analytes that are tough to do in other ways (formaldehyde and sulphur compounds for example)

Tedlar bags are convenient, inexpensive and widely used, but the length of time samples can be held in bags is very limited.

Being able to analyse Tedlar bags quickly and close to the place where the samples are taken, strikes us as being a very useful thing to be able to do.

To do a decent job and keep this project closely aligned with the real World we need input from potential customers, who may have a practical need that this concept could meet.

If you are interested in helping out (we mainly need the benefit of your experience and some advice), please email: or telephone: +44 (0) 1223 279210.