Proud to Wear the Green, Gold and White

Martin Perkins

31st March 2017

Applications Chemist, Richard Davis, Support Engineer, team,

I joined Element in October 2015 as an Applications Chemist.  I had spent the preceding 10 years in roles in the forensic and environmental industries having graduated with a BSc Forensic Science (Hons) Degree.

The applications role was extremely fulfilling and gave me insight in to new strategies for automation of age old sample preparation techniques.  It also gave me the opportunity to work in a team boasting experienced application chemists and an excellent support team of sales, marketing, admin and service.

I have now migrated into that excellent support team in my new role as a Support Engineer.  This role is one I have been itching to do for years and it has not failed to live up to my expectations.  The role is more customer focused with the daily challenge of walking into the unknown.  Sometimes a little scary but always extremely rewarding and a little addictive.

The addiction comes from the positive feedback from our happy customers who know we will always go the extra mile to help them.  The whole support team are strong and dedicated with years of experience within analytical support.

The support Element offer is world class and I am proud to wear the green, gold and white of Element on a daily basis.