Overcoming the Barriers to Automation. Webcast Series.

As an analytical chemist, you are faced with a myriad of challenges, including the need for increased throughput, dealing with increasingly complex samples, meeting ever more stringent analytical performance requirements, and improving the sustainability of your analyses.
Automation and integration of your sample preparation and analysis workflows can achieve all these goals, but making the transition from manual sample preparation and analysis to automated and scaled down approaches can be daunting.
Watch our series of webcasts below and learn how automation and integration of sample preparation and analysis can help you achieve higher sample throughput, improve sensitivity and reproducibility, solve complex sample preparation problems, and reduce your environmental impact.

Webcast 1: Who needs automation anyway?

Our first webcast will discuss who NEEDS automation and the benefits you can realize in terms of analytical throughput, data quality and flexibility to automate a myriad of sample preparation techniques.

Download the related application notes

Webcast 2: Do I have the resource?

The second in our webcast series covers what is perhaps the most controversial aspect of implementing automation, Budget, People & Time.  Learn how automation can very quickly produce a return on your investment, improve analytical productivity and free up staff time for more value adding tasks.

Download the related application notes

Webcast 3: Can I trust automation?

The third in our series of webcasts. This time we discuss how users of automation come to trust their analytical tools to deliver the promised data quality benefits, even with the most complex of protocols.

Webcast 4: Can we address complexity with automation?

In this fourth webcast we discuss how automation can handle the most complex analytical workflows, with the ability to automate most sample preparation tasks, some of which might surprise you! 

Webcast 5: Can Automation Help Me to Achieve My Sustainability Goals?

In the fifth and final webcast we discus how automation can deliver tangible benefits to your environmental sustainability efforts whilst meeting ever more challenging requirements for analytical sensitivity​.

Take the automation challenge

Automating sample prep, HPLC, GC, and mass spectrometry workflows comes with many
benefits to productivity, efficiency and environmental credentials.

Give us Your method and we’ll see how automation can benefit you.