Humans Come Out Second Best Against Efficient Robot Chemist

Martin Perkins

9th August 2017

Chemistry World, Human, MPS, MultiPurpose Sampler, Robot, Sean O'Connor, Smart Robotics,

The Robots are coming and they are better than humans!!!

Nothing to panic about here but your job is likely to get more exciting in the next few years.  Robots could eliminate the dull time consuming side of your job to release you to be creative and do what you were trained to do.

In the past few years robotics and automation has come a long way, even our own GERSTEL MPS has evolved to be able to carry out most laboratory tasks with simple programming.

This interesting article in Chemistry World shows how with some Smart Robotics and an Artificial Intelligence system, Robots out-performed a group of Chemists when discovering and crystallising gigantic self-assembling molecules.

This type of task may not go in your laboratory but have a think about those repetitive tasks that your highly trained staff have to carry out every day/week/month that could be done by a robot, and contact us to have a chat about how we could help.

The Robots are coming!!!  But they are here to help make your life better!!