GCqTOF MultiFlex Workshops

Martin Perkins

8th August 2013

The analysis of unknowns by accurate mass GC and LC-MS is a hot topic right now; so in the week beginning October 21st, in our Cambridge laboratory, we will be holding two, two-day workshops, devoted to understanding accurate mass and the capabilities of the Agilent 7200 GCqTOF with the GERSTEL MPS MultiFlex sampling system.

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Accurate mass GC-MS theory and use
  • Capabilities and performance of the GCqTOF
  • Sample preparation and introduction considerations (using GERSTEL instrumentation)
  • Operation of the Agilent 7200/MultiFlex combination

The workshop will be conducted by Dr Tore Vulpius of MSConsult and Anatune’s Dan Carrier.

This time, we have decided upon a two-day format to allow sufficient time to cover all of the topics in sufficient detail. The (very reasonable) price of £55 includes lunches and materials, but not accommodation.  The 2 Workshops will be held on 22nd/23rd and 24th/25th October 2013.

Places are limited to 14 in total, so if you want to attend, please respond immediately by emailing susan.roach@anatune.co.uk, or call the office on 01223 279210.