Food Flavour Perception and Detection Seminar – More

Martin Perkins

23rd June 2011

I have to say, in my opinion, this one day seminar, run by RSSL was excellent.RSSL Joint organisers of the event together with RSC and SCI

I would guess that there were 70-80 delegates and the mix of presentations was both relevant, interesting and biased towards the practical rather than academic. I know how much work is involved in organising events like these and it isn’t easy to get them right.

I met a lot of people that I haven’t seen for a while – which is always a bonus with these events.

I hope that Kathy Ridgeway and the other organisers decide to make this an annual event. I would be pleased to offer Anatune’s support. My one suggested improvement for future events would be to allow a bit more time for networking. I didn’t get time to speak to everyone I wanted to talk to.

Those of you reading this whom I promised to do things for – I will make a start as soon as I have finished this post. Meanwhile, you can find a copy of my presentation to download below.

Microsoft PowerPoint – PRESENTATION.Marketing.RP.Chromatography Sample Preparation.v001.2011.06

I am ashamed to say that, in the rush to finish on time, at the end of my talk yesterday, I forgot to acknowledge Andreas Hoffmann of GERSTEL GmbH for doing this excellent piece of work and providing me with the raw material for my presentation.

Sorry. I promise not to do it again!