Extractable and Leachable Testing Protocols – Innovation through Collaboration
Extractable and Leachable Testing Protocols – Innovation through Collaboration:
Those of you who have been to our demo lab know we like our GC/Q-TOFs.
You may also know that when the opportunity comes along for a fruitful collaboration and intriguing analytical challenge, we can’t help but steer towards it.
This is how it all started.
Dr Andrew Feilden, Technical Director at Smithers Rapra UK approached us a few months ago to discuss a very interesting idea;
A range of Extractable and Leachable testing protocols are already well consolidated in the scientific community.
But what if there was a different and better way?
A way that:
- Gave a more comprehensive picture of a sample’s composition.
- Fully automated the extraction and injection of the sample.
- Was effective in meeting the analytical performance requirements for E&L testing.
We started investigating a new Extractable and Leachable testing approach that uses the synergic power of automation, chemometrics and GC/Q-TOF to increase analytical quality, focus efforts and improve identification rate.
In fact, automation can bring the benefits of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) to the table whilst the 7250 GC/Q-TOF can help with unknown identification thanks to the Low Energy EI capabilities which tilt the EI MS spectrum towards the molecular ion.
We started promoting our idea at the Extractables and Leachables Europe 2018 Conference, in London last November.
The Use of Low Energy EI in the Workflow for the Improved Identification of Extractables
Development of an Automated Controlled Extraction System
The Agilent GC/Q-TOF Users Meeting is coming up on the 7th and 8th March in Edinburgh. What better forum to explore this new possibility even further?
If you happen to be there as well, it would be great to see you and have a chat. We’d love to show where we’ve got to.
If you are not attending but are interested in discussing this idea, do reach out, we’d love to hear from you… and talk about our beloved QTOFs!