GC-MS Automation and SIFT-MS come to Ireland

Martin Perkins

6th January 2017

Automation, Ireland, Sean O'Connor, Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry, SIFT-MS, Workshop,

Learn how you could save money, solvent, time and get results that are faster and more reproducible!

Anatune, the distributors of GERSTEL automation and Syft Technologies Selected Ion Flow Tube – Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS), will be running a workshop designed to show the best of automation and showcasing the technology which featured in the top 15 of the most innovative technology for 2016 in the Analytical Scientist Magazine.

If you have not seen SIFT-MS work before, see how it works here.

We will have a SIFT-MS on display with the chance for attendees to interact with the system and see it working in real time.

You can download the agenda here.

Our automation and SIFT-MS specialists, who helped design the automated SIFT-MS will explain the possibilities of automation, how SIFT-MS works and discuss the possibilities this delivers for not only high throughput laboratories but also research and development laboratories who can get reproducible sample preparation delivering more information than ever before.

This workshop will take place at the Red Cow Moran Hotel in Dublin on Tuesday 7th March 2017.

Places are very limited so if you would like to book your place, please let us know ASAP.  The cost for this is €70 (£59.50 + VAT in the UK) per person, which is inclusive of all course material, refreshments and lunch.