Automated Sample Preparation: the missing hyphen to hypernation

Martin Perkins

8th December 2017

Automated Sample Preparation, Camilla Liscio, Conference, GC-MS, HTC-15, Hypernation, LC-MS,

HTC-15 is taking place on the 24th-26th January 2018 in Cardiff, Wales.  It’s a focused industry event which focuses on hyphenated techniques in Chromatography and separation technology.

On the 26th January at 11.00am, Session 19, I am delivering a presentation entitled ‘Automated Sample Preparation: the missing hyphen to hypernation‘.

It would be great if you can attend my talk and the event.  Please visit here to find out more and register.

My talk will set the background for the hypernation of automated sample preparation to both GC-MS and LC-MS.  It will encompass some relevant qualitative and quantitative applications developed in the Anatune demo lab where the hypernation of automated sample preparation excelled in the delivery of high quality analytical data.

In fact, with hyphenated analytical techniques such as LC-MS and GC-MS now the flavoured approach for complex qualitative and quantitative analytical problems, special attention is now devoted to systems in which multiple hyphenation, also known as hypernation, is an integral part of the whole set-up  It’s within the perspective of hypernation that the on-line automation of sample preparation finds its perfect scope.

Indeed, sample preparation is an essential part of any analytical workflow and despite the excellent performances of the latest available hyphenated techniques, good quality data for complex matrices can only be achieved when counting on a robust and reproducible sample preparation.  Nevertheless, the appeal of automated sample prep doesn’t lie only in very good method robustness and batch-to-batch reproducibility.  The extremely accurate flow control (down to 0.1µL/s) in liquid handling and the ability to control timing accurately (e.g. incubation time for derivatisation purposes) opens the doors to what could be considered ‘high performance’ sample preparation.

Here is the full abstract.

Looking forward to seeing you there.