Learn More About Our Team: Principal Scientist – Camilla Liscio
Back in December, all of us here at Antune were very excited to announce that Camilla Liscio was being promoted to become Anatune’s Principal Scientist. Now that Camilla has had a little time to settle into this pivotal role, we speak to her to find out how her new responsibilities and what she will be looking to achieve to ensure Anatune remains the leading provider of automated analytical solutions.
Camilla Liscio, Principal Scientist, Anatune
Thanks for your time, Camilla. Anatune is known as a leading provider of automated analytical solutions. In your new role as Anatune’s Principal Scientist, what will your responsibilities be?
There are three core aspects to my new role: operational, scientific, and relational.
The Operational side will require me to look after the planning and delivery of projects coming into the demo lab.
Scientifically, my focus will be horizon scanning the latest industry trends and technologies to identify innovative R&D opportunities.
And last but certainly not least, the Relational side. As you know, Anatune’s success lies on the fantastic collaborations with our customers and business partners. My responsibility will be fully nurturing and promoting all of our existing relationships, whilst working hard toward building new ones.
What will you be your key objectives?
Nothing beats a well-oiled machine. Therefore, optimising the throughput of the lab and continuing to improve our modus operandi will always be a priority in the short to mid-term.
In the long-term though, science takes the lead. Populating the lab with the most cutting-edge technology for development and testing, working on the most intriguing analytical challenges and leading a vibrant knowledge sharing automation community are the three aspirations at the top of my list.
How will this enable Anatune to better serve customers needs with enhanced automated analytical solutions?
I like to believe that what our customers need – but mostly value – from Anatune can be easily summarised by our logo mantra: Collaborate, Innovate, Automate.
They might seek assistance with their existing systems or in building expertise. They might want to automate manual workflows. Or they might want to explore innovative approaches to tackle the most recent analytical challenge.
An efficient, well-equipped demo lab driven by knowledge and technology-focused application chemists will always offer the best foundation to fulfil those needs and that is what we will continue to provide.
It’s always great to get to know more about the Anatune team! So tell us, which Scientists do you most admire?
As scientists, knowledge is never enough. We always want more, need more. However, nowadays expertise tends to be very field focused, almost niche I would say in certain instances. That is an inevitable evolution, considering the huge leap that science and technology have covered in the last hundred years or so.
This is why I have always been so captivated by how scientists from the past would manage to be incredibly versatile and knowledgeable at the same time. Multidisciplinary, that is the word!
Look at Leonardo da Vinci. As Wikipedia teaches, he was “a polymath who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor and architect”!
So as my way to somehow aspire to that, I now highly regard multidisciplinary teams and collaborations. In a way, they are striving for omniscience, just like the scientists of the past were doing.
Many thanks, Camilla!!
CONTACT US to find out more about how our experts and their automated analytical solutions can transform you lab.