The Analysis of Distilled Spirits – Chromatography Sample Preparation & Automation

Martin Perkins

22nd July 2016

Automation, Distilled Spirits, Sample Preparation, Scotch Whisky Research Institute, Scottish Distilled Spirits Industry, Volatile Compounds, Workshop,

On Tuesday, 4th October and Wednesday, 5th of October, Anatune is running two one-day workshops on chromatography sample preparation and automation – focused upon applications of current interest to the Scottish Distilled Spirits Industry.

Volatile compounds are vitally important to the character and quality of distilled spirits, and from an analytical perspective have their challenges.

A key issue is that of the wide range of different techniques available for sampling volatiles, every technique will show a different volatile profile for the same sample. So which technique should be used?

We will discuss the characteristics of various techniques; compare their performance, and highlight the one sampling technique that gives the most complete volatiles profile of all (hint: it isn’t SPME).

Each day will consist of technical presentations and some hands-on work. It is aimed at analytical chemists working in the distilled spirits industry, who wish to keep up-to-date with the latest approaches to sampling and automation and how this can be combined with GC-Single Quadrupole MS as well as newer mass spec technologies – such as GC/Triple Quadrupole, GC/Q-TOF and SIFT-MS.

These events will be held at the Scotch Whisky Research Institute in Edinburgh and will run from 10am to 4pm each day.

The cost for this is £50+VAT per person, which is inclusive of all course material, lunch and refreshments on the day.

We can offer only a limited number of places, so if you would like to attend, please contact us now on: +44(0)1223 279210 or email: