Agilent Environmental Food MS Meeting, Liverpool, England

Martin Perkins

30th July 2014

This is always a good meeting; the content is excellent, it is always well attended and it is a great opportunity to meet with other analysts active in this area; everyone that matters tends to be at this meeting.

Anatune is taking part and are running a Sample Prep Workshop on the afternoon of Thursday 2nd October 2014.

Automated Sample Preparation for Polar and Non-Polar Species in Water at Low Levels

Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) is a convenient way of extracting low-polarity analytes from water; it offers simplicity, high concentration factors and splitless transfer of analytes to the column. The use of GC-tandem mass spectrometry is becoming more widespread and we will show the great selectivity this offers and compliments SBSE perfectly.

This workshop will begin with a brief introduction and demonstration of SBSE and move on to cover current applications such as:

•             Taste and odour compounds in drinking water
•             The extraction of ultra-low levels of Cypermethrin
•             Poly aromatic hydrocarbons

Finally, we will show some recent automation projects we have successfully completed using other useful automated sample preparation techniques:

  • Automated, micro-scale SPE
  • Single Drop Micro Extraction

You can find a PDF copy of the Workshop flyer here, and a PDF copy of the Lecture flyer here.

If you wish to register to attend this meeting, please follow this link.