Advanced SPME Workshop

Martin Perkins

29th November 2012

SPME Multi-Fibre Exchange - One of the Workshop Topics
SPME Multi-Fibre Exchange – One of the Workshop Topics

Last week we ran a series of Workshops on advanced SPME, conducted by Klaus Buckendahl of Sigma Aldrich and Anatune’s Dan Carrier.

Demand for places was such that we extended the workshops by an extra day, so that no-one was disappointed. We never like to turn people away.

Each day gave a crash course in SPME that covered everything from Basic theory through to new SPME technologies – such as Multi Fibre Exchange (MFX), and the feed-back that we obtained from the delegates was very favourable. It seems that even the most experienced users of SPME learned useful things that they didn’t know before.

If you have an interest in Solid Phase Micro Extraction and were unable to attend one of the workshops, perhaps you would like to receive a copy of the presentations?

If so, please contact Susan Roach, who will be happy to send you copies.

Sue can be contacted by phone on 01223 279 210 or by email:

P.S. You can also contact Sue if you would like to receive information on future workshops (or would like to suggest a possible topic).