9 Reasons to Attend the Anatune Conference this Year

Martin Perkins

27th March 2012

Down Hall Country House Hotel

Down Hall Country House Hotel

  1. Meet to exchange experience and ideas with analytical scientists who are making automated sample preparation work for them.
  2. Find out why Unilever Research believe that an instrument that combines large volume headspace and cryo-trapping is so important to them.
  3. Learn about the UK Health and Safety Laboratories take on the future of chromatographic analysis in work-place measurements.
  4. If you need to get more sensitivity from headspace analysis, find out just how broad your range of options are and how they compare.
  5. Learn how automated solvent evaporation can be combined with other automated techniques – such as SPE and Liquid-Liquid extraction, to automate common, manual, sample preparation procedures.
  6. SPME is an established and popular sampling technique. Sigma-Aldrich have developed new ways of taking samples with SPME fibres.
  7. Purge and Trap sampling is popular as a way of getting the extra sensitivity needed to run in scan rather than SIM. See what World leader in P&T –  Teledyne Tekmar have been up to.
  8. Applying miniaturized solvent extraction together with large volume injection is now a practical possibility for the automation of cumbersome liquid-liquid extraction procedures. See how this could work for you.
  9. Learn about the newest instrumentation and automation tools from GERSTEL and Anatune.

Our conference is called: Automation in the Chromatography Laboratory and is held at the beautiful Down Hall Country House Hotel on Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th June, 2012.

You can register on-line here, or by telephoning Sue Roach on 01223 279210