Dates for the next MultiFlex GCqTOF Workshops
Last week, on 19th/20th and 21st/22nd November, we ran a series of MultiFlex GCqTOF Workshops hosted by the University of York. The events were fully booked and we have received excellent feed-back from those that attended.
Building on this success, we have today fixed the dates for our next series of MultiFlex GCqTOF Workshops.
We plan two workshops, each running over two days to be held in our Cambridge laboratory, and will give attendees a good understanding of the capabilities of both the Agilent 7200 GCqTOF and the GERSTEL MultiFlex sample introduction and automation system.
The dates for the two workshops are as follows:
- Tuesday 25th/Wednesday 26th March 2014
- Thursday 27th/Friday 28th March 2014
The registration fee is only £55, which is inclusive of all refreshments, lunches and course material. Places are limited and we already have a waiting list of delegates, so if you want to attend, please let us know right away.
Why all the fuss?
We believe that the Agilent 7200 GCqTOF is the most significant new GC-MS product since the launch of the original HP GC-MSD in the mid-eighties, and the purpose of these workshops is to give as many analysts as possible an opportunity to understand the considerable capabilities of this system.
Like the original GC-MSD, the GCqTOF can be used to screen samples for unknowns and also for the quantitation of target compounds, but offers a step-change in what you can do:
- For screening, the GCqTOF offers greater sensitivity, greater resolving power (thanks to its high resolution, accurate mass capability) and greater certainty in the identification of previously unknown compounds.
- For targeted analysis, the instrument is easy to set-up, can comfortably handle large compound suites and is both sensitive and highly selective.
The GERSTEL MultiFlex is an important partner to the GCqTOF providing matching flexibility and power for sample preparation and introduction.
If you are interested in attending, or would like to receive more information, please email or call us on 01223 279210.
If you can’t wait until March, we would of course be very pleased to welcome you to Cambridge to see the instrument in action, in our laboratory. Please contact us and we can fix a date.